Week 28: Send it for Climate!

In the outdoor community, to ‘Send It’ means to fully commit to a bold goal and not give up until it is achieved. As passionate outdoor people, we know what needs to be done - let's make sure the incoming government does too. 

The Issue | We’re not on track to Net Zero

The UK government committed to reaching net zero emissions by 2050, but we’re not on track, and this affects everyone. Net zero is how we stop climate change, and the sooner we reach it, the more impacts we can avoid. 

What is Send It For Climate?

The next UK Government must bring policies that get us back on track for net zero by 2050. The 2024 general election is our opportunity to make that happen. Here’s how 👇

We need the entire UK outdoor community to send a prepaid postcard in the run-up to the general election. Policy commitments start with party manifestos, and you have the power to influence those manifestos. Our postcards outline policy commitments needed to get us back on track to net zero, and we will deliver them to the relevant ministers. You can find our campaign asks in our mini-manifesto.

Take action

Together, we can be hugely influential. Every voice matters, now more than ever, and we need your support. Here’s how you can help:

Organisation focused asks:

  • Watch our 30 minute campaign briefing to learn all about the campaign.

  • Distribute postcards to your customers and clients - this could be alongside online orders, in store, magazine mailouts, or at events. 

  • Tell your audiences how they can Send It For Climate. We will supply copy and assets as the campaign progresses to make this as easy as possible.

  • Get your staff, ambassadors, or members to send a postcard and share the campaign.

Find our full campaign brief here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ickpybo1-b0SvwPDLfXVAt5FctJSqGEMFRsDfLZ0Fpw/edit

About POW UK

Protect Our Winters UK (POW UK) is an outdoors climate action charity that helps passionate outdoor people become effective climate advocates to achieve systemic solutions to climate change.

Learn more: https://protectourwinters.uk/?gclid=CjwKCAjwt52mBhB5EiwA05YKo1n60PUeHedQHb_74N904jmR8AIb7wyXYmQmswUdpHGzR7haQe8g5hoCF3YQAvD_BwE


Week 29: Reset


Week 27: Action works, so take action!